For as long as I can remember, I have always spent a large amount of time thinking of philosophical questions regarding our purpose here on Earth. I think it important to consider many ideas about creating a fulfilling and worthwhile experience for oneself. The two most important aspects I believe inspire a purposeful life are building strong, supportive relationships with other people (family, friends, community) and helping others. Coaching gives me purpose and fulfillment by allowing me to simultaneously achieve both.
Teaching others to master strength and conditioning skills involves so much more than just completing workouts. A reciprocal relationship must exist for a client to achieve longstanding progress. In order to assist someone in becoming healthier, that person must trust me. For example, it is not easy for someone to share their worry that they aren’t healthy enough to play with their children or to be honest in acknowledging they have let their health go. It is not easy to risk feeling embarrassed while trying out a new exercise, or even to perform it badly (maybe many times over)!
This relationship and trust between myself and my clients is not something I take lightly. I make a point to nurture and respect the vulnerability a client must share with me, to allow us to together improve areas in which they are lacking. My job is to listen to clients’ worries and to watch their efforts, while ensuring them that previous mistakes and unskilled execution are okay. I am here to help people recognize their weaknesses and learn how to improve them.
We cannot help but build a strong relationship, with a client having to be exposed and with me investing so much time and thought into their progress. Not only do I care that my clients get stronger and more fit, but I also care about other elements of their lives. For one thing, all other aspects of their lives affect fitness (work, family, friends, stress, etc.). But also, I ask you to attempt seeing someone multiple times per week, regularly think of how to improve their physical prowess, teach them new skills and cheer them on as they progress, and NOT develop care for that person. Impossible. I am deeply invested in each of my clients’ lives and I am a better person because of my relationships with them.
Overall, coaching gives me purpose because I help others become better versions of themselves while simultaneously building positive, supportive relationships with them. I push myself to learn more about the field, to try new things, and to be a better athlete myself, so I can teach my always expanding skill-set to other people. Without coaching I don’t know who I would be. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to make this my career and to each person who has allowed me to help them on their fitness journey.
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